
Journalism: We’re your specialists

At our core, we’re journalists who love our craft. Our expertise spans writing news stories, celebrity interviews, travel and lifestyle features and film and music reviews. We’ve also curated galleries for both print and digital platforms. Our work has been featured in a variety of outlets, and we regularly work with LinkedIn, News Corp, 4WD Touring Australia magazine, and various content and advertising agencies.


Proofing & editing: We make it make sense

With years of sub-editing experience in the newsroom, we bring meticulous attention to detail to every project. Whether it’s a blog post, website content, or even a tender document, we ensure flawless editing — no errant apostrophes will escape our scrutiny!



Web content: Created just for you

Every website needs to look fantastic and create a fantastic user experience — but it also needs to read well, offer the right information for your clients, customers or members and be interesting! Ginger Brown works closely with web designers to create content for new sites from scratch or to overhaul existing websites that need to be revamped and invigorated with fresh, engaging content.

Blogs, articles and copywriting:  A tailored approach

We craft both short and long-form articles, listicles and blog posts based on interviews with relevant subjects, client briefs, or existing information that needs repurposing. As experts in targeting specific markets, we bring creative ideas to the table and collaborate with you to brainstorm the best content pieces. Additionally, we specialise in creating engaging content for online newsletters.

Social media: We can help you get social

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn – which is best for your business? We can help you to find your own audience, establish or tailor your social media accounts and provide a content marketing strategy to ensure your posts, videos or blogs are seen by the people you want to reach.



Enewsletters: Direct mail content

Enewsletters are a powerful marketing tool to reach customers, clients or members in order to keep them updated about your business or organisation — but they have to be engaging, visually captivating and interesting. Ginger Brown can help.

Content Creation

Media releases: Go global in the press

With more than 40 years’ combined journalism experience, Cathy and Andrea have seen a press release or three — and they know what makes a good one (and which ones go in the bin). If you’re a small business with a new product to launch, or an organisation with a new service, we can help you to get media attention with a well crafted release.


Biographies: We’ll tell your story

Sometimes called a “bio”, a biography is an incredibly personal piece of content that needs to be both thoroughly researched and well written to capture and portray your story. It’s used to promote confidence in you or your business as a specialist in your field. Ginger Brown has written biographies for people as diverse as international music producers, actors, AFL football captains, a nutritionist and small business owners – and we can help you too!

Press kits

Entertainment content: Press kits and more

Are you an entertainment company, film or television studio, or record label and need a press kit with fantastic content to help promote your project? Ginger Brown’s team are experienced entertainment journalists who know how to deliver a press kit that is informative, easy to understand and, of course, enjoyable!


eBooks: Give your business an edge

An eBook is an incredibly powerful content tool in our increasingly digital age and is used by various companies, sole traders and organisations as an easy way to present long-form information to members, clients or potential customers. They can give your business the edge over competitors by positioning you as the go-to specialist in your field. Andrea and Cathy can work with you to create an instructive, informative, well-written and well-designed eBook.